About us
Are you looking for a preschool or nursery in Prague that guarantees peace and safety and provides more than mere ‘babysitting’? Would you like to make your children’s future easier but at the same time not limit their playtime? Maxikova preschool gives you the opportunity to make your dreams come true. We focus on developing the talents and skills of children aged one to seven years. Your children deserves the best so choose a tried and tested preschool. Both you and your children will benefit from our system.
Approved by Dětská Mensa ČR (Children’s Mensa of the Czech Republic) and Centrum nadání (Talent Centre).
Maxikova Language Preschool works closely with leading institutions of Czech pre-school education for children of above-average intelligence. Therefore your children are given a unique opportunity to develop their abilities. An opportunity which they would not have at a typical preschool or nursery. Our partnership with Centrum nadání and Dětská Mensa ČR is an assurance that you have entrusted your child to the right team. Contact Maxikova Preschool to get additional information.

Photos and videos
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Price is All inclusive

Best activities

High-quality food
Reference letters
It is our great pleasure to recommend Maxikova School to its potential clients. My husband and I have relocated from the United States when our twin boys were three years old. Since they had no prior school experience we were worried that entering a new enviroment in a new country would be a challenge. We are happy to report that the staff at Maxikova School (Strahov Branch) embraced our sons and showed them how safe they can feel away from their parents and from their home.
Syn navštěvoval tuto školku od 2-3 let. Chodil tam moc rád a za tu dobu se nevyskytl žádný problém, naopak nám paní ředitelka Adamcová vyšla se vším vždy vstříc. Školka je moc pěkně vybavená, čistá, útulná a má krásnou, prostornou zahradu. Přístup paní učitelek je perfektní, jsou na děti moc hodné a opravdu se dětem maximálně věnují. Maxíkovu školku ve Slivenci určitě doporučuji, pokud bude opět zapotřebí, je to pro nás jasná volba.